EOSC Future grant: engaging regional and European data infrastructure communities

This initiative supported and created synergies around a selection of five activities that served as case studies and demonstrator initiatives on how to engage regional and European data infrastructure communities with relevant RDA and EOSC communities to converge on interoperability solutions. The activities originated from engagements across the Research Data Alliance (RDA), the EOSC Association, the European life science data infrastructure ELIXIR, the Swedish life science infrastructure Science for Life Laboratory (SciLifeLab) and the National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden (NBIS). Mapping exercises between the outcomes of the activities and the EOSC IF were made at least three times for each activity—first as a preparation and support for observations, second after the bulk of the results have been produced as support for reflections, and third as part of consolidating the results from all the activities as support for coherent reporting. The project was broken into five distinct activities:

People and Organisations

Wolmar Nyberg Åkerström is an IT professional at Uppsala University and the National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden (NBIS) / ELIXIR Sweden.

Key outputs

More information

Contact: wolmar.n.akerstrom@uu.se

Sustainable Development Goals