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Data citation and metadata standards in linguistics: Asynchronous meeting invitation

  • Creator
  • #77034

    Dear LDIG members,
    We are holding the second online asynchronous meeting of the Linguistics Data Interest Group (LDIG) from today until March 16. We hope to hold these meetings 2-4 times a year, as a way for you to help shape the direction of the group and its work, and to ensure the experiences of a wide range of linguists are reflected in the LDIG outputs.
    The meeting document is an editable online Google document, and has three aims:
    1. Get feedback on the needs and challenges encountered by scientists who create and use data, by publishers who expect/require publication and citation of data, and by data archivists who develop and/or operate data repositories and who curate data, and provide research data support.
    2. Keep LDIG members and the wider linguistics community up to date on what we are working on.
    3. Get feedback on other issues and ideas to take to the RDA 11th Plenary.
    There are three possible ways to participate:
    1. Enter text or add a comment to this Google document. Make sure you include your name and list yourself as a meeting participant (with your email address) at the end of the document.
    2. Email feedback to helene [dot] n [dot] andreassen [at] uit [dot] no, which will be incorporated into the final version (anonymously if requested).
    3. Add your feedback in this Google Form, which asks the same questions as in this meeting document. Your feedback will be incorporated into the final version (anonymously if requested).
    Please encourage your colleagues to join the LDIG by joining the RDA (it’s free!). If you are able to attend the RDA event in Berlin on March 21-23, we hope to see you there.
    We look forward to seeing your feedback,
    All the best,
    Helene N. Andreassen, Andrea Berez-Kroeker, Lauren Gawne (LDIG co-chairs)
    Philipp Conzett & Koenraad De Smedt

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